Know About Us

OM Tare Free Education Trust was started as a nationwide movement to assist rural Indian youth and their families in accessing important necessities like education, health services, food, clean water, and safe living conditions. This non-governmental organization is located in Hatiyar Village, just 5km from Bodhgaya, Bihar India, and is currently engaged in 100+ welfare projects, in the diverse areas of education, health, disaster response, women's empowerment, livelihood and business training, children;s welfare, animal welfare, and the environment. 

Who are the beneficiaries?

Children from lower-income families whose parents work as housemaids, painters, tailors or daily wage earners are the focus of our work. Many Indian families have 3-4 children, or more, and parents struggling to educate at least one or two of them. 90% of the children receiving our services are first-generation literates. When families hit hard times, children are often pulled out of school to do proxy work for their parents. Girls' educational opportunities are even more dire; schooling frequently stops abruptly when a girl attains puberty. Fee hikes in higher education classes further deter poor parents. OM Tare Free Education Trust assesses each child and family and steps in to ensure that the child’s education is guaranteed.

Our History

OM Tare Free Education Trust was started as a non-governmental organization in Hatiyar Village.We have built a school and provided education for hundreds of Indian students. We have also begun offering classes in sewing and business management to rural Indian women. We have built wells and safe living structures for our clients and given communities a chance to define and improve themselves. 

Our Goals

Our goal is to transform lives and communities through sustainable development. OM Tare Free Education Trust ensures deprived children and families access to quality education and often life-saving healthcare, as well as protection from harm and abuse.

Let’s Make a Difference in the Lives of Others